A one person army ready to create and manage every single aspect of your e-commerce store.

You can rest easy knowing that someone who’s operated in this space for over 7 years is handling and managing all the day to day tasks associated with  creating and managing your e-commerce store.

About Me

My name is James and my goal is to ensure your mind is at ease. Trust that you've left someone competent in charge of your e-commerce business.

I’ve been working in this space for over 7 years and I’m 110% certain I could be of assistance to your e-commerce operation.

Platforms/Services I've worked in and have experience with:

Amazon (Amazon Seller), Ebay, Etsy, Google Shopping (Merchant & AdWords), WordPress, WooCommerce, Stripe (Payment Processing), PayPal Payments, Photoshop, Figma.

The above services may seem unrelated to anyone outside of the e-commerce ecosystem but as a fellow colleague we both know these are some of the giants who allow us to run a business in this space.

My Services

I can build and manage any aspect of your ecommerce store. If you’re looking for a visually appealing and fully functional ecommerce website, I’m your guy. If you’re looking for someone to manage any aspect of your ecommerce operation, I’m your guy.

Chateau Heritage

RS Merchandise

The Riff Store

Cursed Threads

Ready to

Get Time For Other Projects?

Let me know what you'd like handled and we'll go from there